The latest update to the National Minimum Standards for Boarding Schools comes in to force on 5th September 2022 and in paragraph 11.2 it states
The school should make arrangements, with parents and carers, which are clear about who is responsible for the collection and transport of boarders (including arrangements for international pupils) at the start and end of the school term and where there is any temporary absence from school.
Schools are interpreting this guidance in conjunction with their statutory responsibilities under Sponsor legislation and tightening up both their record keeping and reporting capabilities. They are also ensuring that the transfer of duty of care is known, recorded and enacted, which includes providing chaperones where students are unaccompanied.
i-gtm’s stable-mate, Airport Guardians, which provides a team of uniformed chaperoned at Heathrow Airport on main school travel days, has seen a spike in enquiries and new sign-ups as schools seek to ensure that their students are looked after departure from the school and until they are in the safe custody of parents, guardians or the airline taking them home.
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